In Barcelona, unexpected and exciting things happen in every corner of the street. Could be crazy architecture or a cool jam session with a jazz band – you know when one person starts by taking a note, the next one starts improvising and no one knows where it will end.


Just as music has endless opportunities, so has business and work-life. Open your mind, listen to the notes playing and join. Or start your own jam session by taking that first note. You’ll be surprised by the result 🙂


Learn more about the future of entrepreneurship and work-life at Nex(t)cellence THINK TANK, Sept 24-27 in Barcelona.

Read this quote by Robin Sharma today: Having a grand vision is cool. Being amazing at getting it done is far hipper.” I agree – a vision, no matter how attractive, will be nothing but a dream without execution. But just executing without that bigger idea will be a waste of time. Therefore, I’m a huge fan of the expression Dreaming Doer. I think that’s exactly what the future need – people that dream, and see things as they could be rather than as they are, and then get the dreams done.


So dream. And do.

Today I took a walk in the beautiful surroundings of my current stay and found a grain field where some spikes had grown a bit higher than the rest. Made me think about what it takes to stand out in today’s ever-changing work-life. To be the expert in your desired field. To be the one leading change in your industry. I think it takes a startup mindset; where you’re passionate about what you do, let your creativity flourish and constantly launch new updated beta versions of yourself and your business. It’ll take focus and hard work, but once you’re there, you’ll get a whole new view.

About the obsession with follow up. Ok, we learn what worked yesterday with yesterday’s conditions. What says it will work tomorrow when everything is changed? Instead of trying to figure out the exact way to do things – and then do it the same way again and again and again – adopt the concept of beta. Stay in motion, stay in startup mode!




Change is hard and takes a lot of determination and effort. Most of us don’t like change. We would like to keep things the way they are. It’s safer, more convenient, risk-free… At least in our minds. In fact, change is necessary and it’s much riskier to stay the same (more about that later). I think it’s time to change how we think about change. I think it’s time to replace the forcing concept of change and adopt the concept of beta.


When you commit to beta, you automatically enter startup mode and apply the startup mindset skills needed to succeed today and tomorrow. That’s the Beta Paradigm!

Your perspective is your most important, maybe only, tool. A changed perspective means new opportunities. Meeting with new people often means new perspectives. Going to exciting places is another way to get new perspectives, especially if the place in itself contains a lot of different influences – like Barcelona. It’s not a coincidence that our Nex(t)cellence THINK TANK – a group of sharp and somewhat crazy minds co-creating ideas on the future of entrepreneurship and work-life – will take place there 🙂


Welcome to join us!

Brilliant Seth Godin wrote the other day: “The opposite of yes is maybe. Because maybe is non-definitive, and both yes and no give us closure and the chance to move ahead.” Maybe is also the opposite of being in startup mode. Maybe means stagnation and stagnation is THE biggest enemy in your professional life. Sometimes it’s hard to answer yes/no and maybe feels like an easy way out. Don’t go there! Instead, try to make the big decision smaller. Decide on some part and keep moving. Remember that everything is in beta – also your decision. Stay in Startup Mode!

Got this ”Note to inspire” from Simon Sinek today: “It doesn’t matter when we start. It doesn’t matter where we start. All that matters is that we start.” Couldn’t agree more. But sometimes it’s hard to know when and where to start. This is when it’s helpful to adopt the concept of beta. Look at yourself and your business/career as an app, launch in beta and improve as you go! A beta version is not perfect, the aim is instead to make progress based on what you learn along the way.


Why not give it a try? Enter Startup Mode!

As some of you know, Per Frykman and I currently work on a new book – a book that’s reinventing itself and is a permanent beta version. Our ambition is to write the world’s first fully customized book, where you choose the content to get your personalized hands-on guide to the future of entrepreneurship and work-life.


No matter what you do, you will face the unexpected more than once during the process. That happened to us yesterday. We had just read the great book The Start-up of You by Reid Hoffman and Ben Casnocha (if you haven’t already, read it!) where we discovered that they also write about ”permanent beta”. Of course, we sent them a email to check if it would be a problem that we used the same phrase as a title for our book. We got a very nice reply where they wished us good luck and kindly let us know that they would be happy if we didn’t use it as the title. Alright then, so we needed to come up with a new title. To be honest, I was a bit disappointed at first, but it turned out that after all this unexpected happening resulted in a BIG win (as it almost always does – stay open to unexpected opportunities!)


the beta paradigm_coverWe started thinking about the concept of being in constant beta once again. And we realized that this concept has the potential to actually transform business and work-life. The change will be so substantial we think it is a paradigm shift. Therefore, our project and book has a new title: The Beta Paradigm – Time to get famous for what you haven’t done… yet.


Some might think paradigm is a really strong word. It is. But it’s our firm belief that that’s exactly where we’re heading. Call us crazy, we’ll love it 🙂


Welcome to The Beta Paradigm!

In my opinion:

  • The fastest way to change is to spend time with the right people
  • The best way to make sure you don’t settle is to meet new, exciting people with different perspectives but a common interest
  • The funniest way to learn is together with others, picking each other’s brains.


Do you agree? Welcome to join our Nex(t)cellence THINK TANK in beautiful Barcelona! A small group of sharp and somewhat crazy minds co-creating ideas on the future of work-life and entrepreneurship. September 24-27.


Sign up here.