A plan turns your beliefs into action, which is the key to make change. But a plan also risks limiting your options. Too rigorous planning with too long time perspective actually hinders you from seeing the opportunities around you. Plan no longer than two steps ahead. Two steps ahead to make sure your next move maximize the opportunities for the step after. Make sure your plan has room for flexibility, iteration and randomness. Commit to permanent beta, to continuous growth. Stay in Startup Mode!

One of my major reasons for running my own business is to be able to work where I want, when I want and with whom I want. This gives me freedom to explore and develop and constantly innovate myself, my concepts, my company and the way I do business. I continuously learn from my amazing clients and partners who help me launch an updated beta version of myself every day. I become more and more me, and more and more unique. So does my business. My firm belief is that that’s what makes people wanna work with me.


The same goes for you.

Sagrada Familia is one of Barcelona’s most famous buildings. Also known as a never-ending project. Sometime said with resignation, but I think it is just the opposite! This is a church in constant beta version! Just as Sagrada Familia, you and your business are never done. There’s always a chance to do things differently, to improve, grow and get to the next level. I’m so looking forward to our Nex(t)cellence THINK TANK where we’ll explore the future of entrepreneurship and work-life. Of course with inspiration from the church in permanent beta.


Why not join? 🙂

You’ve probably heard about Micael Dahlén’s Nextopia. But have you really thought about what it means for business and work-life? Instead of thinking we’re never better than our latest project, it’s time to start thinking we’re never better than our next project. It’s all about kicking off the right expectations. To do so, we need to constantly reinvent ourselves and our businesses. We need to launch new, updated beta versions every day.


Hard? Maybe. But if you’ve found that thing that you’re so interested in, inspired by and good at that it’s almost an obsession, it’s most of all fun 🙂

Lots of people, including me, talk about the importance of being passionate about what you do. I heard the other day that it might be time to change “passion” to “obsession”. We need to find something so interesting that we get obsessed with it. Something that we’re eager to learn more about and where we improve effortlessly – because we think it’s both inspiring and fun. All other things should end up on you “to don’t”-list.


Stay curious, Stay in Startup Mode!

Together with Per Frykman, I’m happy to introduce our latest project:permanent beta

A book that will keep reinventing itself and be in permanent beta version. Because that’s the only reliable strategy in today’s ever-changing world; to constantly reinvent yourself and your business and find new ways to do things even better. You simply need to enter and stay in startup mode. This will build your reputation, your most valuable asset, and your reputation kicks off the crucial expectations that are what we actually buy in the expectations economy. That’s why it is so important to get famous for what you haven’t done…yet.


Our ambition is to write the world’s first fully tailor made book, where you choose the content to get your personalized hands-on guide to the future of entrepreneurship and work-life.

As an entrepreneur you know the importance of moving quickly and be flexible. There’s simply no time for overthinking. We need to enter and stay in startup mode. This can be kind of hard if you are a perfectionist, like me. Though, I always talk about making progress not perfection. Here’s one example of how I overcame perfection.


Some years ago I misspelled a word in a tweet (this was when I tweeted in Swedish, my native language – nowadays I probably misspell and write strange grammar all the time 😉 ) That small misspelling thing kept me awake at night. Sounds crazy right? I realized it actually was. So, I decided to start misspelling by purpose. Of course not everything all the time, but to sneak in some small mistakes once in a while. And you know what happened? Nothing. No-one thought I was less competent or serious.


On the other hand, what did happened was that I started writing a lot – on my blog, on Twitter and on LinkedIn – and people liked what I wrote. Writing helps me get clearer and clearer about my message and it helps me launch better and better beta versions of myself.


No guarantees the same method will work for you, but I encourage you to think about what tiny step you can take to challenge your inner perfectionist.


Nowadays, I’m much better on taking action and focus on progress rather than perfection. Though, there’s still a small perfecitonist inside 🙂

Why are we trying so hard to fit in when we were born to stand out? Don’t we choose whom to hire, invest in, buy from, partner with etc. based on their uniqueness, not because they’re like everybody else? And this is not just true for individuals, but for companies as well. I have been writing quite a lot about launching ourselves and our businesses in beta version and improve as we go.


How can you launch an updated beta version, that is a little bit more YOU, every day? An essential part of Staying in Startup Mode!

What are the odds that we’ve discovered the optimal way of organizing and doing business? In my opinion non-existing. I’m convinced that we’ll find new and smarter ways of working that support creativity, fuel our passion and enable the lifestyle we want. But it won’t happen unless we’re willing to do some experimentation and try to do things differently. That’s why it’s super important to stay in startup mode, to launch in beta and improve as you go!

Time to celebrate!

Time to learn more from apps. Before we’ve learned the beta approach. To start even if you think you aren’t ready and improve as you go. To try new ways of doing things and see if you can find an even better way. To think progress, not perfection. We’ve also learned that great apps are obsessed about delivering something in particular. It’s really good at what it does and leaves the rest to someone else. Use you ”to don’t” list!


One more thing to learn from apps. Many apps uses some element of gamification – when you complete a task you get a fanfare, you get rewarded when you’ve run faster than before, you get a high five when you’ve sent your campaign. What about you? How good are you at celebrating your successes? Often, we strive to reach a goal and when we’re finally there we tend to already be on our way to the next one. Acknowledging our accomplishments helps build our confidence. More confidence means more action. More action means more accomplishments. And more accomplishments means an impact in the world.


Celebration makes you happy and energized, when we’re happy and energized we’re more creative and creativity is essential to keep up with today’s ever-changing world.


My advice – start celebrating! Create your TA DA list.


Thanks again Per Frykman for inspiration on the TA DA list.