This week I thought I’ll share my 7 mindset flips to enter a mindset of possibilities and access your full potential. If you want to dig deeper into the content, check out my free ebook!


Ready for some flippin’?


Flip 3: Should >> WANT

Alright, hope you’ve done some thinking since yesterday. Today’s flip might be THE MOST important one. It’s time to flip should to WANT.


You know there’s a whole lot of ”shoulding” going on out there. You should get a full time job. You should take another step on the career ladder each year. You should take that job because it will look good on your resume. You should


But when did you last ask yourself what you WANT? Time to start paying attention to what you want in your professional life. Quite often I meet people struggling with not knowing what they want. When we’ve talked for a couple of minutes they say ”What I really want is…. But that’s impossible”. My reply: Impossible is just a point of view.


In my experience we often know what we want, we just don’t know how to get there. And therefore we call it off as impossible. To create your ideal professional life you have to admit to yourself what you really want. No matter how far fetch it might seem. (if this realtes to you I reeeeally recommend you to check out my eBook)


So. Stop shoulding. Admit to yourself what you really want. And be very careful before you call it off as impossible.


This week I thought I’ll share my 7 mindset flips to enter a mindset of possibilities and access your full potential. If you want to dig deeper into the content, check out my free ebook!


Ready for some flippin’?


Flip 2: Same, same >> Different

Why are we so eager to fit in when we were born to stand out? Why do we seem to think that one size fits all when it comes to our professional lives and our careers? I’m convinced there’s certainly NOT one size that fits all in professional life. Who sets the agenda for your career or how you’re running your business? You? Or what you think is expected by your family, friends, society…? Or maybe your limiting beliefs about what’s possible?


What if you start to use your unique combinations of strengths and talents no matter if it fits into your current role? What if you decided to walk your own path? What if you start nurturing your creativity every day so that you can look beyond limitations and design your professional life?


Think about that until tomorrow and flip no 3 🙂


This week I thought I’ll share my 7 mindset flips to enter a mindset of possibilities and access your full potential. If you want to dig deeper into the content, check out my free ebook!


Alright, ready for some flippin’?


Flip 1: Weaknesses >> Strengths

We’re experts on putting a whole bunch of time and effort on improving our weaknesses. Right? What if we put the same about of time and effort on enhancing our strengths?


You’ve probably heard this before, but do you actually apply it? When we use and enhance our strengths, it might not feel like work anymore. It’s easy and fun – and that cannot be work, right? Might actually be you have this feeling of ”cheating”…

If you feel like that I say congratulations! You’re on the right track. When you’re working in areas where you’re uniquely talented, work is both easy and a whole lot of fun. And that’s exactly how it’s supposed to be.


Start practicing today!


You know, starting and running a business doesn’t have to equal striving for exponential growth in terms of number of employees or profit or attracting venture capital for expansion. There’s a fast growing tribe of entrepreneurs who run their businesses to do inspiring work. They see their business as a tool allowing them to design the professional life they want and access their full potential. Maybe you’re one of them?


One thing that happens when you free your inner entrepreneur is that suddenly you realize there’s an alternative:

Instead of waiting for someone else to provide what you’re looking for, you can go out and create it yourself. Exactly the way you want to have it.


Remember this when you’re longing for a change. What are you waiting for? Why not create it yourself?


Despite what we tend to think, there is no truth about how to manage your professional life.

No right answers.

No predestined path.

No constraints.


All there is, is an inspiring and exciting road ahead yours to explore. Your inner entrepreneur knows all this, and is just waiting to be released. Freeing your inner entrepreneur does not necessarily equal starting a business.

It’s a mindset.

It’s a power.

It’s your most important tool to create the professional life you want.


Your move.


Attended Startup Day this weekend. Inspiring and fun! One thing that I keep thinking about is that business and innovation happen ”in between”; when different industries, competences, perspectives etc. meet. I think this is also true when it comes to you. When you let your talents and strengths in diverse areas meet, magic happens. Too bad traditional roles seldom support that. Time to remember that you can create the professional life you want. Enter a mindset of possibilities and free your inner entrepreneur.


Let’s create magic! 🙂


Nothing makes me as angry as when progressive professionals are stopped from using their full potential by obsolete structures. My firm belief is that you can create the professional life you want. Where you do inspiring work, use you creativity and own your uniqueness. You just have to look beyond the limitations you – and almost everyone – tend to take for truth. Those limitations are just in your head. Time to shift into a mindset of possibilities and access your full potential.


Are you in?


Ok there’s a whole lot of ”should-ing” going on out there. There are “shoulds” about what we should do, how we should do it, whom we should hang out with and so on and so forth.

What if we took a should free day and instead focused on want? What you want to do, how you want to do it, with whom you want to hang out… Would it make any difference? I bet it would.


To all progressive professionals out there on your way to create the future: Don’t stop!

I know it’s hard sometimes. I know there are doubts and fears. I know the feeling of one step forward, two steps back.

But I also know this: You’re well on your way! And you, doing inspiring work, creating opportunities and pushing things forward, are so much needed.


Go go go!