How to overcome perfection

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As an entrepreneur you know the importance of moving quickly and be flexible. There’s simply no time for overthinking. We need to enter and stay in startup mode. This can be kind of hard if you are a perfectionist, like me. Though, I always talk about making progress not perfection. Here’s one example of how I overcame perfection.


Some years ago I misspelled a word in a tweet (this was when I tweeted in Swedish, my native language – nowadays I probably misspell and write strange grammar all the time 😉 ) That small misspelling thing kept me awake at night. Sounds crazy right? I realized it actually was. So, I decided to start misspelling by purpose. Of course not everything all the time, but to sneak in some small mistakes once in a while. And you know what happened? Nothing. No-one thought I was less competent or serious.


On the other hand, what did happened was that I started writing a lot – on my blog, on Twitter and on LinkedIn – and people liked what I wrote. Writing helps me get clearer and clearer about my message and it helps me launch better and better beta versions of myself.


No guarantees the same method will work for you, but I encourage you to think about what tiny step you can take to challenge your inner perfectionist.


Nowadays, I’m much better on taking action and focus on progress rather than perfection. Though, there’s still a small perfecitonist inside 🙂