Despite what we tend to think, there is no truth about how to manage your professional life.

No right answers.

No predestined path.

No constraints.


All there is, is an inspiring and exciting road ahead yours to explore. Your inner entrepreneur knows all this, and is just waiting to be released. Freeing your inner entrepreneur does not necessarily equal starting a business.

It’s a mindset.

It’s a power.

It’s your most important tool to create the professional life you want.


Your move.


Attended Startup Day this weekend. Inspiring and fun! One thing that I keep thinking about is that business and innovation happen ”in between”; when different industries, competences, perspectives etc. meet. I think this is also true when it comes to you. When you let your talents and strengths in diverse areas meet, magic happens. Too bad traditional roles seldom support that. Time to remember that you can create the professional life you want. Enter a mindset of possibilities and free your inner entrepreneur.


Let’s create magic! 🙂


Nothing makes me as angry as when progressive professionals are stopped from using their full potential by obsolete structures. My firm belief is that you can create the professional life you want. Where you do inspiring work, use you creativity and own your uniqueness. You just have to look beyond the limitations you – and almost everyone – tend to take for truth. Those limitations are just in your head. Time to shift into a mindset of possibilities and access your full potential.


Are you in?


Ok there’s a whole lot of ”should-ing” going on out there. There are “shoulds” about what we should do, how we should do it, whom we should hang out with and so on and so forth.

What if we took a should free day and instead focused on want? What you want to do, how you want to do it, with whom you want to hang out… Would it make any difference? I bet it would.


To all progressive professionals out there on your way to create the future: Don’t stop!

I know it’s hard sometimes. I know there are doubts and fears. I know the feeling of one step forward, two steps back.

But I also know this: You’re well on your way! And you, doing inspiring work, creating opportunities and pushing things forward, are so much needed.


Go go go!


I just love my job!!


Today, follow-up meeting with two amazing clients of my Free Your Inner Entrepreneur program who are totally ready to rock their businesses. What they’ve accomplished in the last three months is awesome! They’ve learned to trust their competence, look beyond their limitations and act with such confidence. I’m totally thrilled! This is what happens when you enter a mindset of possibilities and own your professional life.


Make sure your work inspires you. That’s when you’ll access your full potential.


No matter if we say yes or no, we’ve made a decision. Sometimes it’s hard to know whether it is yes or no and we get stuck with maybe. Maybe is equal to not making a decision. But remember – not making a decision is also a decision. It is giving the decision to someone else. Decision-making is hard. Especially when it comes to important decision such as what to do with all the hours we spend at work. The question is: Are you willing to give that decision to someone else by not making any decision? Or will you decide yourself?


Your decision.


We all know the future can’t be predicted. But do you know that you have the power to create the future? Yeah, you. How? By believing in the future you’d like to see so much that you make it come true. Easily said, a bit harder to do. It all starts with flipping your mindset to see possibilities rather than limitations, to put yourself in the front seat and commit to make it happen. You can do it.


Next week I will release my new eBook ”7 Mindset Flips To Access Your Full Potential” where I present 7 keys to enter a mindset of possibilities and create the professional future you want. Stay tuned 🙂


Gave a keynote on the theme ”If you dig it, gig it” this morning. Had an interesting discussion about what happens when we switch into a mindset of possibilities where we lead with our potential rather than our experiences and the person about to hire us is stuck in a traditional mindset where your resume is everything. What to do? My answer might be a bit provoking, but I wonder – are they really the client/employer for you? Remember it’s a two-parted relationship where you too have a choice. No breaking news but easy to forget…


Wanna know more about ”If you dig it, gig it”? Check it out here ( in Swedish).


How many times each day do you use the shift key? Guess quite a few. Imagine you have a mental shift key, and when you press it you shift into a mindset of possibilities. A mindset where you look beyond your own limitations, where you use your strengths and your creativity to create your professional future.


Time to start using your mental shift key as often as the one on your keyboard. Takes some practice but gets easier and easier each time. Put yourself in the front seat. Be the change you’d like to see in the world.


Just. Do. It.