Yesterday was International Women’s Day and my friend and business partner Magdalena Bibik wrote a blog post about this TED talk. I watched it this morning and WOW, did I resonate or what?!

In the TED talk Reshma Saujani tells how we teach girls perfection and boys bravery, and how she learned to be brave at 33. The same is true for me. Until I was 31 and decided to jump off that cliff and start my own business I was very much stuck in the “women perfection trap” thought by society; doing what was expected of me and taking small risks. But starting and running a business is nothing but a series of imperfect actions and taking more or less educated risks. And I love it! 🙂 Therefore I will do my very best to inspire more women (and men) to go for their professional dreams, to be brave and take the risks necessary to make their dream come true.


Progress is what counts, not perfection. Perfection is boring. Just do it. I know you can.


Now, take 12 minutes and watch the TED talk:


When people in Stockholm were asked what’s stopping them from realizing their dreams, 56% of the respondents answered lack of time according to an article I read last week. Interesting. I can’t think of a better way to spend your time than to make your dreams come true 😉 Would say it’s a matter of focus, prioritization – and courage.


Takes some guts to follow your (professional) dreams. I’m sure you’ve got it though.


Jag är helt övertygad om att du har precis vad som krävs för att förverkliga den där idén om att driva dit drömföretag! Men jag vet att det ibland är svårt att tro på det själv…eller att få rätsida på exakt vad du vill göra. Därför är jag så glad att presentera Free Your Inner Entrepreneur and Become Remarkable. Ett 3-dagars Launchathon då vi gör din idé lanseringsklar.


Jag tror att världen blir lite bättre om fler gör det de faktiskt vill med sitt yrkesliv så detta är en dröm som går i uppfyllelse för mig! Tanken är att det ska kunna bli detsamma för dig 😃


Wrote about Newton’s law of motion and its connection to work life the other day. Another law that I think is perfectly applicable in our professional life is Parkinson’s law. It states that


“Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.”


Meaning if you have 1 hour to do something, it will take 1 hour. If you have 2 weeks to complete the same thing, it will take 2 weeks. Something to think about when setting a deadline.


I’ve also notices that when it comes to the really important stuff, those that will create the business or professional life you want, we have a tendency to not set any deadlines… There’s always “business as usual” stuff getting in the way and the important work has to wait. Bummer.


What if you should try to give the first thing you could do to create the business/professional life you want a deadline? What if you should halve the time you think you need to complete the task? What would happen?


According to Parkinson’s law you’ll do just fine 🙂



I’ve said it before and I will say it again: Potential outshines experience in today’s expectations economy. What you’re about to do in the future is more important than what you’ve done in the past. That’s also more or less the essence of all my services. What I aim to do is helping my clients switch to a proactive mindset, to take the lead and create the(ir) future. Working with me means finding your entrepreneurial power and start pushing opportunities. That’s the expectations I would like to create.


What about you?


Newton’s laws of motion state that an object in motion stays in motion (unless acted upon by a force). True also in business and work life. When you’re already taking action moving forward, it’s easy to continue to take action and move forward. And when not taking action it’s super easy to continue to not take action. The challenging part is to get started. My trick is to start with something small that I know I will easily manage. Also helpful to think of myself as a beta version, not perfect but making progress all the time. Then, before I know it, I’m off towards my next big thing.


What about you?


Listened to the radio this morning and they were talking about job searching. I’m so tired of the traditional approach to job search where it seems to be all about convincing the employer to choose you over competition, almost always based on previous experience. I would like to stress three things:


  1. Remember it’s a two-part relationship. You should like the employer and the employer should like you. It’s not about convincing someone.
  2. Potential outshines experience. Dare to speak about what you want to do in the future.
  3. There’s an alternative. You can create your own job 🙂 Free your inner entrepreneur.


You know we (or at least I) have this tendency to get stuck with the how – we would very much like to have the exact manual how to make the idea come true before we start. One of my business mentors use to say ”Say yes to the why and the how will follow”.


”Say yes to the why and the how will follow”


Over the years I’ve found this very true. Once I say yes to my next big thing (often equivalent to admitting to myself that this is what I actually want to do), opportunities (=”hows”) I couldn’t even dream of start showing up. So, to get started: stop worrying so much about how and focus on the why. Say yes to your next big thing and the rest will follow.


Here we go 🙂


When working with my clients, I spend quite a lot of time on finding their “entrepreneurial fuel” – you know that thing that will keep you going even when things are tough (because when you’re about to create change, it will be tough from time to time). That entrepreneurial fuel is a combination of loving what you do, being curious, having the courage to push opportunities and embrace your beta versions – not perfect but making progress all the time. Just as important for intrapreneurs as entrepreneurs.


What’s your entrepreneurial fuel?


It’s really annoying to be confused, isn’t it? But think about it this way: confusion is the first step to change. When you’re confused you’re open to new perspectives and opportunities. Something to keep in mind when you don’t know what’s what next time 🙂