Being creative, pushing the world forward isn’t something reserved for a few. It’s something we all can do. Creativity, and entrepreneurship, is in our DNA. Everything around us is the result of creativity and someone’s courage to push opportunities and dare to see things as they can be rather than as they are. It can just as well be you. Free your inner entrepreneur.

We all know we can’t deliver everything to everyone. If we try we’ll end up being mediocre at what we do. To be remarkable we need to concentrate on a few things. We need to focus. We need to find our niche and craft our nerd factor. In my experience, one of the hardest things to do. Because it means we have to reject lots of things we use to do – things we know, things that are familiar and safe – and instead throw ourselves out there showing the world what we really intend to do. Scary. But worth it! Focusing on your thing will make you inspired and when you are inspired you’ll inspire others. And there’s nothing you can’t do.


Brilliant Simon Sinek has written ”So much of starting a business or affecting change is the confidence and courage to simply try.” Couldn’t agree more! And I would say it’s not just true when starting but also when running a business or a career. If we don’t give it a try we will never know if it works or not. I think having the courage to try is one of the keys to success in today’s ever-changing world. It’s also one of the building blocks in an entrepreneurial mindset. Which I will do my very best to spread in business and work-life.


Free Your Inner Entrepreneur!



It’s uncomfortable when we take that leap of faith and throw ourselves out in the unknown. It’s uncomfortable when we leave the safe harbor setting off for the blue oceans. Nevertheless we need to go there in order to grow and develop. The solution? Make yourself comfortable being uncomfortable. This week, I’m working on leaving the well known behind as I set off for the next level in my business. Uncomfortable indeed 😉 But I know that when I widen my comfort zone more and more will be comfortable. Here we go 🙂


Of course it is interesting to listen to others’ experiences. But in my opinion, hearing what you will do in the future, based on what you’ve learned so far, is way more interesting. Still we tend to spend so much time thinking and talking about the past when we’re about to take the next step in our professional lives. Where’s the logic in that? Our next step is supposed to take us into the future, so maybe smart to focus on the future… Remember: your past doesn’t dictate your future. Your future does. What’s your next big thing?


Listened to the radio today and they were celebrating that more than half of the workweek is done. Makes me sad. What life is that, spending the week longing for the weekend? I’m also thinking of the waste of potential when people go to a work they don’t like. Imagine how much we could accomplish if we did something we love, where our creativity could flourish, where we could use and expand our unique strengths and explore and push all the exciting opportunities around us.


Now that would be something to celebrate… 🙂


When you feel inspired you will inspire others. And there’s nothing you cannot do. Make sure your work inspires you. If not, you’ll waste your potential.


What will you do today to get inspired?


Have you played at work today? Not? What a pity. Often we put a lot of time and effort into optimizing the ”left brain side” of our businesses; processes, systems etc. etc. What if we should put the same amount of time and effort into developing the “right brain side”; creativity, playfulness, experimentation… Would we see more cool and useful products and services? I think so 🙂


If you’re anything like me, you probably spend quite some time trying to manage your time. This week I’ve tried a different approach. Instead of trying to manage my time, I’ve managed my focus. Guess what? When I set my focus on my next big thing, I automatically tend to spend more time on activities taking me in that direction.


Lesson learned: stop managing your time, start managing your focus.



Thought I should share my formula to get unstuck and get going for Your Next Big Thing with you. Here it is:

  1. Embrace trial and error. Start. Then make progress as you go. Think Beta versions. You will never be able to foresee what the future holds for you. You need to take that first step anyway. 
  2. Stay curious. Explore, discover, ask, keep ears and eyes open, talk to people, listen… 
  3. Push opportunities. Opportunities are created. Meaning you need to take action. When you’ve created an opportunity, push it further by saying yes and see if you can create something even more out of it. Takes courage but I know you have what it takes!